November 1 (13), 1851
The railway from St. Petersburg to Moscow began to function.
November 1 (13), 1853
First part of the railway from Petersburg to Warshaw began to function.
November 3 (15), 1815
The maiden trip (from Petersburg to Kronstadt) of the first Russian steamer Elisabeth.
November 4,1967
Leningrad was awarded the Order of the October Revolution No. 1 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the October uprising of 1917.
November 5 (16), 1704
The foundation stone of the Admiralty Ship-building yard was laid.
November 6 (17), 1757
Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
November 7 (19), 1824
The most destructive flood during the whole history of the city.
November 8, 1918
The Museum of the City was opened in the Anichkov Palace.
November 11 (24), 1907
Appearing of first buses in St. Petersburg (from the Admiralty along Vosnesensky Prospect to the Baltic Railway Station).
November 12 (24), 1879
The Central School of Technical Drawing of Baron Alexander Stieglitz was opened (today the Higher Art-Industrial Design School named after Vera Mukhina).
November 15 (28), 1906
Birthday of the outstandihg scholar, honorary citizen of St.Petersburg Academician Dmitry Likhachev - 19 Vladimirsky Prospect
November 15,1955
Opening of the first line of Leningrad's metro (between the stations "Ploshchad Vosstania" and "Avtovo").
November 16 (28), 1880
The future poet Alexander Blok was born in the cottage of the rector of the St. Petersburg University. He died August 7, 1921 - 57 Decembrist street.
November 20 (December 2), 1809
Decree of Emperor Alexander I on organizing the Institute of the Railway-Engineering in St. Petersburg.
November 20 (December 2), 1841
Anichkov Bridge with its four sculptural groups "The Tamers of Horses", designed by Petr Klodt, was opened after the reconstruction.
November 22, 1941
First lorries came to the besieged Leningrad by the ice of Ladoga Lake ("The Road of Life").
November 24 (December 6), 1873
Monument to Empress Catherine II was inaugurated in Nevsky Prospect in front of the Alexandrinsky Theatre (sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin).
November 25 (December 6), 1741
After the palace coup Empress Elisabeth ascended the throne.
November 28 (December 10), 1828
Decree of the Emperor Nikolay I on founding the St. Petersburg Technological Institute.
November 29 (December 11), 1802
Organizing of the first St. Petersburg fire brigade (in accordance with the decree of Alexander 1).