October 2 (14), 1860
The Mariinsky Theatre opened with the "Life for the Tsar" opera by Mikhail Glinka (arcitect of the theatre building Albert Kavos).
October 5,1929
Opening of the first talking-pictures cinema in Leningrad (today Znanie Cinema).
October 7,1945
The Moscovsky and Primorskv Parks were laid out to commemorate the victory in World War II.
October 9 (21), 1832
First demonstration of the telegraph apparatus designed by Paul Shilling.
October 11 (22), 1702
Russian army, commanded by Peter I, seized the Swedish fortress of Noteburg (earlier Oreshek (Nut), today Shlisselburg).
October 15,1935
The Society of Amateur Scientist was opened in the former Count Sheremetev Palace (34 Fontanka Embankment).
October 16-18 (28-30), 1820
Revolt of the Semenovsky Regiment in St. Petersburg.
October 16 (28), 1838
Inauguration of the Moscow Triumphal Arch built to commemorate the Russian victory in the Russe-Turkish war of 1828-29 (architect Vasily Stasov).
October 19 (31), 1811
Opening of the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo (the poet Alexander Pushkin was one of its graduates).
October 20,1988
Consellation of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU August 14, 1946, "About the Zvezda and Leningrad magazines", which was a introduction to the Leningrad Process (mass repressions of Leningrad intelligencia).
October 21 (November 1), 1773
Opening of the Mining School (today the Mining Institute; architect of the building Audrey Voronikhin).
October 21,1936
First Leningrad trolley-bus line (from Krasnaya (today Alexander Nevsky) Square along Nevsky Prospect to Truda Square) was opened.
October 22 (November 3), 1849
First photographer's workshop was opened (it was situated in the place of 38 Nevskv Prospect.).
October 24-26 (November 6-8), 1917
The power passed to the Bolsheviks in Petrograd.
October 25 (November 5), 1727
Opening of the first museum in Russia (the Kunstkammer).
October 25 (November 6), 1893
The great Russian composer Petr Chaikovsky died - 13 Malaya Morskaya Street.
October 26 (November 7), 1828
Foundation of the first Russian charity organization by Empress Maria Feodorovna.
October 30 (November 10), 1748
The foundation of the Smolny Convent was laid (architect Bartolommeo Rastrelli).
October 30 (November li), 1837
The first Russian railway (from Petersburg to Pa\>lovsk) began to function.
October 30 - November 1 (November 12-14), 1917
The troops of Alexander Kerensky and Petr Krasnov, which had attacked Petrograd to overthrow the Bolsheviks, were defeated near Pulkovo.
October 31 (November 12), 1833
Birthday of the Russian composer Alexender Borodin - 3/7 Sergiyevs kay a (today Tchaikovskogo) Street. Died February 15, 1887 in his flat in the Military-Medical Academy (1/2 Pirogovskaya Embankment).