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Calendar of Art-hotel
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Saint Petersburg Calendar

April 3 (15), 1881
Leaders of the People's Will group were executed in the Semenovskoy Field.

April 3 (15), 1898
The charter of the Russian electronical workshops Simens-Galske joint-stock company (today the Electrosila works) was approved by Emperor Nikolay II.

April 4 (15), 1765
The great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov died - 61 Bolshaya Morskaya Street.

April 4 (16), 1866
Dmitry Karakozov made an attempt on Emperor Alexander II life.

April 10 (22), 1899
Birthday of the well-known Russian writer and Nobel-prise winner Vladimir Nabokov - 49 Bolshaya Morskaya Street.

April 11 (23), 1819
The foundation stone of the Mikhailovsky Palace (today it houses the Russian Museum) was laid (completed in 1825; architect Karl о Rossi).

April 19 (May 1), 1836
First night of Nikolay Gogol's "Inspector-general" comedy at the Alexandirnsky Theatre.

April 20 (May 1), 1738
The streets of St. Petersburg were given their first official names.

April 25 (May 7), 1895
Professor Alexander Popov demonstrated the first wireless set in the world at the St. Petersburg University.

April 27 (May 9), 1832
Decree of Emperor Nikolay I on the foundation of the School of Civil Engineers (today the St. Petersburg Constniction Institute).

April 28 (May 10), 1889
The famous writer, satirist Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin died - 60 Liteiny Prospect.

April 29 (May 10), 1706
The first battle ship was launched at the Admiralty Ship-bulding Yard.

April 30,1918
The Petrograd Cinematograph Committee (since 1934 the Lenfilm studio) began its work.

April 30,1944
"The Heroic Defence of Leningrad" exhibition (later transformed into the Museum of the Defence of Leningrad) was opened in the Solyanoy complex.

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