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Calendar of Art-hotel
Calendar of Art-hotel
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Saint Petersburg Calendar

January 2 (14), 1814
Opening of the Imperial Public Library (today the National Library of Russia).

January 2 (14), 1824
Birthday of Vladimir Stasov, Russian art and music critic -18, Pervaya Liniya (First Line) Street of Vasilyevsky Island. Died October, 10(23), 1906 - 9/20 Sedmaya Rozhdestvenskaya (today Sedmaya Sovetskaya) Street.

January 7 (19), 1865
Birthday of the famous artist Valentin Serov - No. 8 15th Liniya of Vasilyevsky Island.

January 9 (22), 1905
The Bloody Sunday (shooting of the worker's demonstration in St. Petersburg).

January 10 (22), 1862
Inauguration of the St. Petersburg chess club in Yeliseev's House (15 Nevsky Prospect).

January 13,1931
The first car tyre made of artifical rubber syntesised by a group of scientists under supervision of professor Sergey Lebedev was produced at the Krasny Treugolnik (Red Triangle) plant.

January 14-30,1944
Military operation (known as the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinskaya operation), in the cause of it the siege of Leningrad was raised.

January 17 (29), 1833
Opening of the first Russian municipal sity-post-office.

January 18,1943
Break of the Leningrad siege.

January 20 (February 2), 1907
Death of Dmitry Mendeleev, the great Russian chemist, who discovered the Periodic system, - 19 Zabalkansky (Moskovsky) Prospect.

January 26,1924
Renaming of Petrograd into Leningrad.

January 26,1945
Leningrad was rewarded the Order of Lenin for the heroism of its defenders and inhabitants during the Great Patriotic War (1941-45).

January 27, 1944
A triumfal salute was fired by 324 guns to celebrate the end of the Leningrad seige.

January 28 (February 8), 1724
Peter Vs decree on the foundation of the Academy of Science in St. Petersburg (opened on December 27, 1725).

January 28 (February 8), 1725
Emperor Peter I died in his second Winter Palace.

January 28 (February 9), 1844
Birthday of the well-known lawyer and public figure Anatoly Kony - 51/53 Fontanka Embankment. Died on September 17, 1927 - 3 Nadeshdinskaya (today Mayakovsky) Street.

January 28 (February 9), 1881
Death of the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky - 5 Kuznechny Lane.

January 29 (February 10), 1837
Death of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin who had been mortally wounded in a duel - 12 Moika Embankment

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