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Calendar of Art-hotel
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Saint Petersburg Calendar

December 1,1934
Murder of Sergei Kirov in the Smolny which caused mass repressions.

December 5,1919
Petrograd was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the defeat of general Yudenich's army.

December 5,1957
The first in the world atomic ice-breaker was launched at the Admiralteisky Ship-building Yard.

December 6 (18), 1892
First night of the "Iolanthe" opera and "Schelkunchik" ballet by Petr Tchaikovsky at the Mariinsky Theatre.

December 7 (20), 1909
The Trade House of the Guarde Economic Society (today the Petersburg House of the Trade) was opened.

December 12 (23), 1799
Birthday of the well-known Russian artist Karl Briullov -18 Sredny Prospect ofVasilyevsky Island.

December 14 (26), 1825
Uprising of Decembrists in Senatskaya Square.

December 15 (28), 1905
The Instimte of the Russian Literature (the Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of science was established.

December 18 (29), 1775
The future great architect Carlo Rossi was bom in St. Petersburg. Died April 6, 1849 -185 Fontanka Embankment.

December 19,1926
The Volkhovskaya hydroelectric station, which has been supplying St. Petersburg with electricity began to work.

December 20,1857 (January 1,1858)
Emperor Alexander II approved the charter of the St. Petersburg Metal Works Company.

December 22,1849 (January 3,1850)
Civil execution of the members of Petrashevsky's group in Semenovskaya Square.

December 22,1942
The medal "For the Defence of Leningrad" was introduced.

December 25,1837 (January 6,1838)
Monuments to Russian field marshals Mikhail Kutuzov and Mikhail Barclai de Tolly were installed on Nevsky Prospect (sculptor Boris Orlovsky).

December 26,1877 (January 7,1878)
First Russian stationary circus (owner Gaetano Chiniselli) was opened in St. Petersburg (Fontanka Embankment, near Simeonovsky Bridge).

December 27,1877 (January 8,1878)
The Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov died - 36 Liteiny Prospect.

December 28,1799 (January 8,1800)
The Medical-Surgical Academy (since 1881 the Military-Medical Academy) was established.

December 30, 1883 (January 11, 1884)
First trunk-line (between St. Petersburg and Moscow) began to function.

December 31,1898 (January 12,1899)
First urban electric station began to function (Moika Embankment near the Politseysky Bridge).


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